Take a REST DAY!

Take a REST DAY!

Rest. Recover. Recharge. With our busy schedules, it seems taking time to relax is something we like to think about, but rarely happens outside of vacations a couple times a year (or less these days.) In our workout life, rest is also something that can seem...
More Work DOES NOT Mean Better Work!

More Work DOES NOT Mean Better Work!

This is for the unsung hero of the gym. The person who struggles to master, or sometimes even do, a movement. Maybe they are fighting some mobility issues or poor body mechanics. Maybe this movement is just difficult for them. They work on it anyway. They insist on...
How OFTEN should you work out?

How OFTEN should you work out?

I often get asked how much training, CrossFit training in particular, that an individual should be doing. I, myself, have struggled with over (and under) training over the years. The answer, unfortunately, isn’t black and white. There isn’t a magic formula to...
Accepting Who You Are Now…

Accepting Who You Are Now…

…while working to improve yourself. It is a very difficult balance of accepting who you are a the current moment, but also working to be a better version of you. I struggle with this myself a lot lately. A few months ago I remember looking in the mirror. I...
Exercising for HEALTH Not Punishment

Exercising for HEALTH Not Punishment

“I really shouldn’t eat this ice cream. But I had a long day and I deserve it.” “I know I should get the salad, but everyone else is having a burger and a beer. I’ll cheat on my diet today, but I can just make up for it in the gym tomorrow.” Mindset. What is your...
How much will my fitness SUFFER?

How much will my fitness SUFFER?

As more and more people are chose our Remote Coaching Program this past year, we have found that when talking about goals, there is a very common theme – people just want to keep the fitness level they had before social isolation started almost a year ago. There is a...
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