At CrossFit Recursive (and many gyms around the world!) we offer new people coming to the gym what we call a No Sweat Intro.

We are in the business of helping people. We want to spend time with you one on one to learn about you and make sure the relationship is a good fit. We want to find out about your health and fitness goals and we want to help you reach them. We want to make sure that what we offer at the gym satisfies what you are looking for.

A few years ago we stopped offering free trial classes and switched over to No Sweat Intros. We found that free trial classes mostly scared people off, especially if they had never done a CrossFit class before.

The free trial classes took away from the experience of our regular paying customers. But we also want to make sure to keep new members moving safely. Both deserve the Coaches full attention.

We value the safety and health of everyone in the gym. We don’t want to throw anyone into a gym environment without assessing the readiness or the appropriateness of the class and the movements involved.

The primary purpose of your No Sweat Intro is to determine how we can best help you. We have a lot of different paths to get you to your goals. Together we’ll find the best one for you!

If you are local to Madison, WI, schedule a No Sweat Intro to come in to the gym and check it all out. No workout. No crowds. No awkward feeling not knowing what to do. Just you and me talking about what your goals are and how we can help you.

(Not in the Madison, WI area but interested in finding a great gym? I might be able to help you – let me know where you are located and I will see what I can do to help you find a gym that’s the perfect fit!)

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