Handstand Push Ups
-Tripod Position on Ground
-From Box
-Negative Handstand Push Ups on Wall
-Practice Strict and Kipping Handstand Push Ups

30 Burpees
30 Toes to Bar
AMRAP Row For Calories

Rest 4:00

30 Wall Balls
30 Pull Ups
AMRAP Assault Bike for Calories

Purpose of the Workout:
For our skill session, we are going to introduce the handstand push ups. First we are going to establish the proper bottom (tripod) position with our feet on the ground. From there we will advance it where our feet will be on a box and finally do them inverted against the wall. If you are already competent with all these variations, we can advance it to freestanding and/or on the rings 🙂

Our longer endurance biased WOD consists of two 8:00 parts with a 4:00 rest inbetween. The first two movements of each part serve as a buy-in and then followed by a max calorie accumulation on either the rower or assault bike. The key to this WOD will be balancing how much energy we expend for the buy-in portion; we want to make sure we still have something left in the tank for the AMRAP!

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