One workout at 9:00am today!

150 Double Unders
150 Ab Mat Sit Ups
150 Russian Kettlebell Swings
150 Air Squats
150 Lunges
50 Wall Balls
50 Burpees
50 Pull Ups
50 Push Ups
50 Box Jumps
776 Meter Run or Row
*Complete in any order

Purpose of the Workout:
Happy Independence Day! The purpose of today’s WOD is to salute our great country by performing the same number of reps (or, roughly) as the year she was declared independent, 1776. This is a slightly modified version of last years 1776 WOD for those inquiring minds. Work hard, dress in something that would make Uncle Sam proud, and most importantly, have fun!

This is a long, hard one – you may modify by doing half of the reps, or you can pick a partner and do it together (one person works while the other rests, splitting reps any way you’d like.)

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