Muscle Ups
-False Grip
-Transition Work
-Negative Muscle Ups

For Time
75/65 Calorie Assault Bike
75 Wall Balls
75/65 Calorie Row
*Every Minute on the Minute (and to start) Perform 3 Burpees

Purpose of the Workout:
As a natural progression of our two previous months skills (pull ups and dips), this month we are going to combine those two with the muscle up! The basic purpose of the muscle up is to be able to get on top of something which consists of the pull up portion, the transition, and the dip or pressing yourself up. The purpose of today will be to go over the basics and start to build some the necessary strength to perform the transition which is usually the most challenging part of the muscle up.

Our WOD today is a “chipper” with 3 different movements and (dreaded) burpees every minute (and to start!) The purpose of this workout is to make sure we are transitioning quick between the burpees and the target number of reps we need to get. This is hard but the quicker we are, the more time we will have to accumulate and check off all those reps!

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