Rope Climbs

2 Rounds of 8:00 On/ 4:00 Rest
1 Rope Climb
2 Double Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Push Presses/ Jerks
2 Rope Climbs
4 Double Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans and Push Presses/ Jerks
*Perform 10 Burpees at 0:00, 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00

Purpose of the Workout:
We are going to start out today by continuing to refine our technique in regards to climbing ropes! From there we are going to have the opportunity to apply what we worked on in our WOD. The key to today’s WOD is will be minimizing the number of cycles it takes to reach the top of the rope and minimize the amount of time actually on the rope.

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