Many months ago we were in denial that half the country would be working from home. For the first week or so many were celebrating their freedom while working from home for the first time. By now, hopefully, working from home (and dealing with kids who might be learning virtually), has become a bit more of a routine and feel more “normal.”

This “working from home” thing for those that are used to working in an actual office may still be a bit of a struggle. Working from home comes with some perks and advantages, but it also comes with some struggles.

  • changes in culture from your normal work setting
  • lack of community
  • less reliability
  • changes in (or lack of) schedule and daily planning
  • more easily distracted
  • difficulty to manage and maintain accountability

In addition to running the gym, I am now helping 3 kids learn from home. Just like most of us, their biggest struggle in not getting things done is poor time management.

That’s the same thing that happens with most people when they are moved by choice or by COVID-19 to work from home.

I think the 2 most practical ways to be more effective working at home are to make a block schedule and make To Do lists.

Block Your Schedule
Here you set up each day/week in advance and plan your day. You get to run the day, not the other way around! Some of you that may have meetings pop up at a moment’s notice, or work internationally (time zone difficulties) may need to work a little extra to get this option set up well. With the block schedule, you’ll plan the priorities in advance.

An example could be:
7:00am – wake up
7:15 – 7:45am – shower, morning rituals, etc.
7:45 – 8:15am – breakfast, reading
8:15 – 10:00am- Complete any tasks left from yesterday, work on unreturned emails
10:00 – 11:00am – Exercise
11:30 – 1:00pm – Work meetings, creative time, etc.
1:00 – 1:30pm – Lunch

You get the gist of it. Create blocks. Some of your scheduled times will be “non negotiable”, meaning that only a family emergency will take you away from what you have planned. You should also include break time to take a walk outside, meals/snacks, family time, and when your workday ends.

To Do List
Some people prefer this way as it allows some flexibility. The night before (or at the end of the previous day) make a list of what you need to do. Some days it’s 3 things, others it’s 9. Everything from meetings, to calls, to a random trip to Target for cat food is on that list.

Here’s my secret, each day my list has 1-2 things (but not more than 3) that MUST get done! If those things get done, and the others don’t, it’s still a successful day.

Then move the remaining tasks onto the list for the following day. Each day, repeat this exercise. Even on the weekends depending on what needs to get done.

There are apps that you can use for your lists, or sticky notes, a notebook – use whatever works best for you. To be the most efficient, you can use a combination of the 2 strategies! Make your lists and block your time.

Whether you’re a veteran at working from home, or just getting used to your new work environment at home, give these a try and let us know how it goes!

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