Every 2:00 For 10 Rounds
Odd: 1 Press + 3 Push Presses + 5 Push Jerks (Build Weight)
Even: Heavy Clean Pulls 3-3-3-3-3

1:00 Assault Bike For Calories OR 2,000 Meter Row For Time

Purpose of the Workout:
The purpose of our power portion today is to do a press complex and heavy clean pulls since we benched pressed and did full cleans yesterday. Each of these movements are great accessory movements to improve our bench press and clean.

The second part of our WOD today pays tribute to our achievement/ badges board. Athletes will have their choice of either a 2,000 meter row for time or 1:00 on the assault bike for max calories. Either one of these will be “fun” in their own right and make sure to put your name on what level you achieve!

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