Clean and Jerk Ladder
Perform 1 Clean and Jerk Every :45 Until Failure
(Cap=20 Rounds)
*Add 10lbs TOTAL the first 5 rounds and then 5 lbs TOTAL thereafter.

7:00 AMRAP
10 USA Kettlebell Swings
5 Burpees Over Kettlebells

Purpose of the Workout:
Today we are going to start off with a fun clean and jerk ladder. Every :45 each athlete will perform 1 clean and jerk and add weight each round. The purpose of this is to test how quickly we can recover and repeat an effort and really challenge ourselves since we will be adding weight each round.

The second part of our WOD today is a couplet of overhead (USA) kettlebell swings and burpees. Since this is a relatively short one, the goal here is to go out hard and try to maintain that pace through the 7 minutes!

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