Happy Fourth of July!
One workout at 9:00am today!

100 each, any way you’d like:
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Ring Rows/Pull Ups
Push Ups
Air Squats
Kettlebell Swings
Wall Balls
Box Jumps
Then, a 776m run to finish it all off for 1776 reps completed!

Purpose of the Workout:
Happy Independence Day! The purpose of today’s workout is to salute our great country by performing the same number of reps as the year she was declared independent – 1776. Work hard, dress in something that would make Uncle Sam proud, and most importantly, have fun!

This is a long, hard one – you may modify by doing half of the reps, or you can pick a partner and do it together (one person works while the other rests, splitting reps any way you’d like.)

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