1RM Shoulder Press

10 Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Push Ups

Today is the day that we get to put all that hard work from this month to the test when we see where our one rep max shoulder press is at. We’ll put 20 minutes on the clock and you can work at your own pace to find your one rep max effort. Partner or team up to share barbells and plates and help change plates – and then you have a built in cheering section too!

After that we will put a quick 7 minutes on the clock and you will work through a couplet of heavy power cleans and push ups.

We will be doing 20 push ups at a time today – that’s not a small number. Be sure to do good reps – chest to the floor. If you need to modify – find an elevated surface so you can keep that good form and function and work on the strength you need.

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