Pick things up. Put them down. Living heavy things can be fun and empowering! And it’s not only functional, but also has a lot of health benefits too!

Increase Bone Density
Osteoporosis doesn’t just affect women – everyone needs to get under some weight to increase bone density. As we age (and we are all getting older), it’s vital to keep our bones strong. You don’t want to fall, break something, and lose your independence!

Build Stronger Heart/Reduce Resting Blood Pressure/Improve Blood Flow
Lifting heavy things is shown to have a lot of heart health benefits as well. Your heart is a muscle and it needs a workout too! When your heart gets a workout from lifting weights your resting blood pressure decreases and your blood flow improves – everything works more efficiently!

Increase Metabolism/Manage Weight
Most people think you need to do lots of cardio to lose weight. Have you ever lifted something heavy and been out of breath?!?! Lifting heavy things builds muscle mass. And muscle mass is more expensive for the body to maintain than body fat. So, your metabolism increases and you burn more calories just existing!

Improves Daily Activities
Think about all of the things you do on a daily basis. Lifting shopping bags, playing with kids, moving things, walking up flights of stairs – all of these are made easier when you are stronger. Even if you sit at a desk all day, being stronger will help you maintain better posture while you do it – no more low back pain!

Reduces Risk of Injuries
The stronger you are, the less risk of injury you have. Have you ever thrown out your back lifting a heavy piece of furniture? Have you ever been running around the yard with the kids and slipped and twisted an ankle? When you’re stronger you will have more muscle control, less body imbalances, and less chance of injuries.

Improves Brain Function and Mental Health
Learning new skills and pushing your body to new limits helps your brain build new connections through the central nervous system. Working out and lifting heavy things can also improve your mood and help decrease depression and anxiety. The brain needs a physical and mental workout just as much as the physical body does!

Lift some heavy stuff. Get your heart rate up, lose some body fat, and reap the benefits of Strength Training!

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