Sunday FUNday!
From 0:00-6:00 Row Under a 1:44/ 1:54 Split As Long As Possible
From 6:00-12:00 200 Double Unders
From 12:00-18:00 Row Under 1:42/ 1:52 Split As Long As Possible
From 18:00-24:00 200 Double Unders
From 24:00-30:00 Row Under 1:40/ 1:50 Split As Long As Possible

Purpose of the Workout:
Today’s Sunday Funday features rowing and double unders! The purpose of today is to really push ourselves on the row portion as you are given a target split and your goal is to stay under that target split for as long as possible. Once you can no longer stay below, you will rest for the remaining time in that round.

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