Sunday FUNday!
Every minute on the minute, alternating x 24 minutes (6 rounds):
1) 25 Russian Kettlebell Swings
2) 20 Sit Ups
3) 15 Box Jumps
4) 10 Kettlebell Snatch, alternating – 5 per side (55/35)

Minute 25 start 1 Round for Time:
25 Russian Kettlebell Swings
20 Sit Ups
15 Box Jumps
10 Kettlebell Snatch

Partner/Team Up and set up stations for athletes to rotate around (like Fight Gone Bad). Go in order, but can start with any movements. Do final round in the same order you did the rest of the workout. This should be an all out, balls to the wall effort – as hard as you can for as long as you can.

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