We have all been there: “I would start that project, but I just don’t have any motivation right now.” “I want to get in shape but I am lacking motivation.” It happens to every single one of us from time to time. None of us are immune to it, not even the most disciplined among us. Sure some people are better at it than others, but all of us encounter motivation issues from time to time.

What if I told you that the secret to getting things accomplished wasn’t waiting for motivation. What if the missing link was something far easier and less ephemeral. What if the secret to jump starting your motivation was action. Plain and simple action. Just do something, anything to get you moving in the right direction.

I have written a lot about change before. How change can be difficult. There is a lot of inertia built up in us. Change is expensive and our bodies are invested in conserving energy. Sometimes it takes something small (discomfort?) to push us in a direction. We just have to start the ball rolling and momentum will help keep it going.

Sometimes this can be as simple as putting workout clothes on to get us moving towards getting a workout in. Maybe you make yourself go into the kitchen and chop a pepper, that could easily snowball into cooking or meal prepping.

The secret is looking at the bigger goal, and then breaking it down into smaller chunks until you get to a chunk you can do in the next 5 minutes to get you moving.

Here is a quick example: You know you should workout (you know it’s true!). The workout involves several pieces of equipment and going out to the garage. You have to find some way to play music (and the last time you tried you struggle to get bluetooth to connect). You have to find workout clothes. Oh yea, and you need to get up off the couch. There is your first step. Get up and go change into workout clothes. By the time you get that done you will remember how to get music playing. And since you are up it’s no big deal to walk out to the garage and grab your equipment. At this point you are basically working out, you may as well follow through.

Remember, waiting for motivation to find you is a fool’s game. It will rarely come and find you, especially at the times you really need it. You need to make it easier. You have to take that first tiny step!

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