Partner WOD:
6:00 AMRAP
Partner A Hangs from pull up bar
Partner B does 20 Wall Balls
-4:00 Rest-
6:00 AMRAP
Partner A holds one 55/35 # KB overhead
Partner B does 10 strict pull ups
-4:00 Rest-
6:00 AMRAP
Partner A holds plank
Partner B does 20 KB Swings 70/55
-4:00 Rest
6:00 AMRAP
Partner A holds Wall Sit
Partner B does 10 Toes to Bar

Today’s partner workout is a little bit different in the sense that each partners are essentially working at the same time except we will define working in this sense as just holding a static position. If the partner who is supposed to be holding the static position breaks from it to rest, the other partner may not accumulate any repetitions!

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