Running with your dog can be a fun and rewarding activity for both you and Fido. There are many benefits and most importantly, just like you, your dog NEEDS exercise!

Pets can get overweight too. Help keep your pet’s weight in check by giving him enough exercise. It’s great for you and him to both get fresh air while putting on some miles. You will both reap the benefits of increasing your endurance, muscle tone, and heart health. So, a few tips to make running enjoyable for you both!

Protect Your Pet’s Feet
You would never run without a decent pair of shoes. Be aware that your beloved pet is running barefoot. His feet are designed to do that, but keep a few things in mind to help protect his feet and make sure he is enjoying his time outdoors with you.

In extreme weather – both hot and cold – your pet’s feet may be uncomfortable. Too cold and his feet may be susceptible to frostbite. In really hot weather your pet’s feet may actually burn on the hot cement – you’ve seen the videos of people frying eggs on hot cement, think of your pet’s feet!

They do make booties for dogs, you can try those out. Some dogs won’t tolerate them, others won’t mind. There are some days where you will just have to make a choice to not run with your dog if the weather is too hot or too cold.

Harness and Leash
Your dog may be most comfortable running with a harness on instead of a neck collar. Take your pet to the store with you so you can find a harness that fits – they make many different styles and they all fit differently. Your dog’s size and shape will be factors in finding the correct fit.

They also make leashes that attach to you waist so you don’t have to hold a leash while running. This frees up your arms so you can run with good form and both arms pumping instead of using one arm to hold the leash.

As we talk about the harness and leash, it’s also worth mentioning doggy poop bags. Be sure to bring a few of those with you on your run. Running often gets the intestines moving (for both of you) and you may have to make a few potty stops.

If you are going to run at night, or on bike paths and trails, it’s a wise choice to make yourself as visible as possible. They make all sorts of reflective gear and flashing lights. My personal favorite part of winter evening running is wearing a glow stick – and my dog loves it too!

Just like people, your dog will need to ease into running and work up to longer distances and faster paces. Puppies under 18 months shouldn’t run, their bones are still developing and the pounding isn’t good for their growing bodies.

Also realize that some breeds aren’t known for enjoying running and some dogs have personalities where they won’t like running (just like people!)

Before you start running with your dog, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure you are in good enough health to start a running routine. It’s also wise to check with your vet to make sure your dog is able to safely run.

You love your pet so keep him at a healthy weight and keep is heart strong. Spend time with him – he LOVES spending time with you. Remember that you are your dog’s whole world. And, an extra added benefit to running with your dog is that a tired dog is very often a well-behaved dog!

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