Shoulder Press
5-5-5-5-5 (plus 3 warm up sets)

60 Wall Balls
50 Box Jumps
40 Alternating Pistols
30 Deadlifts (155/115)
20 Power Cleans
10 Front Squats

We are going to warm up and then get into some sets of Shoulder Press. Three warm up sets of five reps and then five working sets of 5 reps. The Coach will start the clock and you will do your 5 reps every 2 minutes. This will be enough time for your muscles to re-fuel, but not too much time that they’ll get cold. This is especially important during those final heavier sets. Bigger classes can partner up and alternate between the odd and even minutes (athlete 1 goes on the ven minutes, athlete 2 goes on the odd minutes.) You should still have enough time to change plates/weight if needed and still both be performing reps every 2 minutes.

Warm Up:
5 – empty barbell
5 – 35% of 1RM
5 – 50%

Working Sets:
5 – 65%
5 – 70%
5 – 75%
5 – 80%
5 – 85%

There are blue charts on the wall by the bathroom/water fountain to help you figure out what weights you should be using.

After all that fun, we’ll work through a chipper of descending reps of 6 different movements. The good news is that the reps go down as each movement gets a bit harder. Your Coach will review the movements in class.

The weight today for those final 3 barbell movements should be a bit heavier today – be sure to challenge yourself a bit!

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