n the past week we have posted the first 3 articles in a four part series. Today we will wrap up with the final two ways you can maximize the effectiveness of your workouts – sticking to a schedule and showing up with the appropriate attitude to workout!

Life is crazy and hectic. It can be unpredictable and we have all had to make difficult choices with our schedules. I know sometimes you will have to take care of something instead of working out, we all do.

What I want you to be careful of is rationalizing skipping your workout frequently. It’s easy to feel tired and sore and decide that running an errand after work is more important than stopping in and sweating through a workout.

But time for you and your health is also important! You are less effective as a parent, employee, or friend if you are sick and unhealthy. Do yourself a favor and make an hour a day for 3-5 of the 7 days of the week. Your healthier self will thank you for it.

We also understand that sticking to a schedule is hard, which is why we try very hard to offer classes as often and at the most convenient times possible. Too busy in the morning? Stop in over lunch, get your workout in, hit the showers, and get back to work.

Too many errands at night? Get your workout in before work and feel refreshed and energized all day! We have done everything we can think of to remove the barriers in between you and a healthier life. Help us out by not erecting bogus ones!

Attitude. It seems like such a small thing but it has such a profound effect on so much in our lives. There are all sorts of catchy cliches about attitude but I will refrain from using any of them here. I have a lot more to say about this in future posts, but for now I want to cover the basics.

Show up knowing that you will give your all for the next hour. Understand it may be difficult but it will make you stronger, faster, and healthier in the long run.

Maybe you don’t like pull-ups, or double unders or whatever else we happen to be doing that day. We aren’t doing it because you don’t like it or because you aren’t good at it. We are doing it to get a specific adaptational response from your body.

Just ask me, I’ll be happy to tell you what the intention of the workout is that day. Try not to get discouraged or frustrated, we all have problems with certain movements. You won’t get better unless you work on them!

There is one more point here that ties these two items together. Don’t let yourself look at the workout, see a movement you don’t like or aren’t good at, and then decide that you really have to get to the post office after work instead of working out.

Either commit to working out regardless of what is posted for the workout that day, or dont look at the workout until you get to the gym!

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