Front Squat
*Set 1 – 70-75% x 5
Set 2 – 80-85% x 3
Set 3 – 90-95% x 1+
1+ means athlete performs max reps at that weight with the goal of at least 1. Retest of pure 1RM will happen next week.

30 Front Squat (135/95)|(95/65)
30 C2B Pull-Ups
20 Front Squat
20 C2B Pull-Ups

GOAL – Building to your heavy single rep for Wendler before next week’s 1RM test. Goal should be 2-3 reps at this heaviest weight. In the workout, choose a weight that you can do at least 10 reps when fresh and pull-ups in quick sets. This one needs to be fast!

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