1RM Split Jerk

10 Clean & Jerk (95/65)
Rest 1 minute
10 Clean & Jerk (115/75)
Rest 1 minute
10 Clean & Jerk (135/95)
Rest 1 minute
Max Effort Clean & Jerk (155/115)

Today is the day we finally test that Split Jerk we have been working on all month. (Sorry that it is on the 1st, I thought there were 31 days in November…)

Good warm up, footwork review and then 20 minutes on the clock to work through at your own pace. Feel free to partner/group up. It’s always fun to help each other change plates and have a built-in cheering section.

It’s a Clean & Jerk ladder (sort of) today! We’ll be working on our Clean & Jerk all month long! Start with a light weight (95/65) and work your way up to a heavy Clean & Jerk (225/155). You’ll do 10 reps at each weight, take 1 minute and add some weight. Then do the next 10 reps. You’ll have 8 minutes to get through as many reps  and weights as you can. Your score will be total number of reps of Clean & Jerk. When/if you get to the last, heaviest weight, you’ll do as many as you can until the 8 minutes is up.

You can do Power or Full, Squat Cleans for these reps today – your choice. 8 minutes is not a lot of time. You will have to move through the 10 reps as quickly as you can. You must take the 1 minute rest. Use that time to add some weight. You won’t catch your breath or lower your heart rate much, but it’s only 8 minutes so you shouldn’t find yourself in too much of a deficit.

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