4 Sets Power Clean Clusters

For Time (Cap=8:00)
10-1 Deadlift
1-10 Bar-Facing Burpee

Purpose of the Workout:
We are going to start out our power portion today with some power clean clusters. The purpose of the power clean clusters is to go heavy on each rep. Each set has a total of 3 reps which mean we want to go above what our 3RM weight would be (FYI 3RM is ~91-93% 1RM) for each rep. In between each rep we will have 15 seconds rest and in between each set we will have 2:00 rest.

Our WOD today is going to be a short couplet featuring deadlifts and bar-facing burpees. The format of the rep scheme is as follows:
Set 1: 10 Deadlifts + 1 Bar Facing Burpee
Set 2: 9 Deadlifts + 2 Bar Facing Burpees
Set 10: 1 Deadlift + 10 Bar-Facing Burpees

We are going to want to go out hard on this one and sustain that pace as it is a pretty short WOD.

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