I got a call recently from a woman who wanted to bring some of her friends to the gym for a workout. She was very excited about it, but once she told her friends it was “CrossFit” they all panicked.

“It’ll be too hard. It’ll be too intense. I won’t be able to keep up. I’m not in good enough shape for that.”

Anyone that has done CrossFit knows that’s not at all true! Your desire to do CrossFit is far more important than your ability to do CrossFit.

But, there are still a lot of people out there who have heard things about how hard and how intense CrossFit can be. They have heard that people can get hurt. They have heard that the movements are difficult and the workouts are hard.

CrossFit is a name and exercise methodology for helping people to live their best lives. It is based on functional, everyday movement patterns using your full body. It is created to be infinitely modifiable and scalable for all ages and abilities.

We have high schoolers and grandparents at the gym working out side by side. The needs of the aging population and elite Olympic lifters varies only by degree (intensity), not the kind of movement or range of motion.

Everyone needs to be able to remain independent. We need to be able to stand up off the toilet or a chair – an air squat. We need to be able to lift groceries out of the car or pick up a child – a deadlift. We need to be able to get up off the floor – a burpee.

I would like to set the record straight! If you have been thinking about trying CrossFit (or having your friends give it a try), there are some things you should know.

Myth #1 – CrossFit is too intense.
Fact – Intensity is relative.
Two people can work out next to each other. One might be lifting 200 pounds and the other 20 pounds, but at the end of the workout, they are both the same amount tired. This is relative intensity. We choose your intensity level during a workout based on where you are and what your goals are. Remember, intensity is important to force your body to adapt and change and improve! Staying in your comfort zone and never pushing out of it will keep you stagnant – you will never grow (physically or mentally.) You need to push your boundaries!

Myth #2 – CrossFit is too hard.
Fact – All of the movements in CrossFit are scalable and modifiable.
Our motto at Recursive is: Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Everybody starts from a different place. And everyone has strengths and weaknesses. For the movements that are “hard” we find a suitable modification and scale to fit your current fitness level and your goals.

Myth #3 – I won’t be able to keep up.
Fact – You aren’t competing against anyone but you!
Each class and workout has an intended stimulus. Your Coach will help you find the right movement and weights and intensity FOR YOU. For where you are right now, while pushing you to reach your goals.

Myth #4 – I’m not in good enough shape to do CrossFit.
Fact – CrossFit is HOW you get in shape!
This is the one I hate the most! We never expect people to come to the gym already in the shape they want to be in. People get started at the gym so that they can get in shape. We have programs to get people started and a path of how to reach your goals – whatever they may be. Some people are looking to get out of the house, some people are cross-training for a different sport, some people are looking to compete. It really doesn’t matter, CrossFit will be the way to get you in the shape you want to be in. Everyone starts somewhere, and we work to improve every day.

Myth #5 – CrossFit is too dangerous, people get hurt.
Fact – The injury rate for people doing CrossFit is quite low.
You can get hurt walking down your stairs. And the reality is that you have a higher chance of bad things happening due to lack of exercise than you do because of an injury while exercising. Plus, your Coaches are always going to make sure you are moving with good form and technique to help you avoid any injuries.

Don’t be afraid of CrossFit. Be more afraid of living a sedentary lifestyle and the dangers that go along with that!

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