Kettlebell Cleans

10 KB Cleans
10 KB Push Press
10 KB Swing
10 Goblet Squat
10 Burpees
50 Double Unders

We will review/learn the Kettlebell Clean today. The idea is to avoid hitting your foremarms with the kettlebell – we don’t want bruises! We’ll talk about proper technique to avoid that.

Then we will use what we just learned as part of an 18 minute AMRAP. Kettlebell Cleans, Kettlebell Push Presses, Kettlebell Swings, Goblet Squats (with that kettlebell), Burpees and Double Unders.

Pick a kettlebell that you want to become very close with for the 18 minutes of this workout! (One kettlebell per person.)

Just keep moving. Pace yourself. Work through one movement at a time.

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