Double Unders
AMRAP 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
100 Double Unders for Time (5 minute time cap)

With a 12 Minute clock:
50 Double Unders
40 Wall Balls
30 Power Snatches (75/55)
20 Cal Row
10 Push Ups
Do that as fast as you can, rest the remainder of the 12 minutes

Then, for time with a new clock running up and a 10 minute time cap:
10 Push Ups
20 Cal Row
30 Power Snatches
40 Wall Balls
50 Double Unders

We have had so many people get their first double unders this month  – nice job guys!

Let’s test 2 different double under metrics today. The first will be as many double unders as you can get in 1 minute. Rest 1 minute and then do 100 double unders for time. 

See how much you have progressed this month!

Then, you are going to perform the above movements as fast as you can again a 12 minute clock. However fast you complete the reps, the rest of the time you rest.

Then, you are going to do the same workout in reverse order, for time, with a 10 minute time cap.

For classes with more than 8, half will start with the 50 and work down, and other half will start with the 10 and work up, then alternate 2nd round. 

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