Kipping Handstand Push Ups

50 KBS
50 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls
50 Double Unders
50 Sit Ups
50 Double Unders
50 Lunges

*4 Burpees on the minute, every minute (and to start)

We are going to work on handstand push ups today – strict if you are still working towards that, or kipping if you are ready for that. We want to be very careful that we aren’t slamming our head into the ground, even on an abmat – it’s so rough on your neck. Work on having the strength to lower yourself safely into position. If you can’t do that, work on strict handstand push ups first to get that strength. Neck safety is a really big deal!

Then we are going to tackle this heart-pounding workout! You’ll have to pace yourself to get through all of it, but you’ll also have to keep moving to avoid getting stuck in a hole in between those 4 burpees every minute. Workouts with those burpees every minute are rough mentally and physically. They will force you to keep moving though – you’ll have to in order to make progress on those reps.

Hopefully double unders are on your side today!

100 Days of Fitness
Day 98 Challenge
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