It’s Veteran’s Day today. In honor of that we will do a little bit longer, more difficult workout. As you know, we don’t do these very often. During the workout today, take some time to reflect on the day and what it means to you and to those who are or have served our country.

11 KBS (55/35)
11 Box Jumps (24/20)
11 Wall Balls (20/14)
11 Double Unders
22 KBS
22 Box Jumps
22 Wall Balls
22 Double Unders
33 KBS
33 Box Jumps
33 Wall Balls
33 Double Unders
…add 11 reps per round

This is a long workout. And as you get further in, you have more reps of each movement to do. (Which are all still power movements since it’s Power Tuesday.) It will take some mental toughness to push through today. Keep a nice steady pace. One rep at a time. This won’t be an easy one, but you can do it.

Tuesdays are busy days at the gym. We will all have to work together to use the equipment and the space available. 

Thank you to all who are or have served.

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