1RM Split Jerk

20 Double Unders
2 Split Jerks @ 70% of 1RM

We are going to spend a chink of time on finding our one rep max effort split jerk today. Must like yesterday, the coach will put 20 minutes on the clock after a good warm up and mobility and you can work at your own pace.

You will pull from the rack today. You may want to partner up. Changing plates is a bit easier with a friend, and then you can cheer each other on.

Your score today will be that one rep split jerk max.

After that, we are going to work for 7 minutes – every minute on the minute you will knock out 20 double unders (or a suitable modification that gets your hear rate up) and then 2 split jerks at 70% of the max weight you just found.

The bar will start on the floor, so you will have to clean it once before you split jerk it twice. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses -some people can clean more, others can split jerk more.

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