March Focus
Strength: Back Squat
Power: Split Jerk
Skill: Kettlebells (Cleans, Snatches, American Swings, Goblet Squats, Split Squats, Shoulder Press, Farmer Carry, Suitcase Carry, and more!)

Split Jerk

Pull Ups
Wall Balls
Sit Ups

Happy March 1st – spring is right around the corner! Our focuses this month are Back Squat, Split Jerk, and all things Kettlebells.

We are going to start to start our strength portion with some split jerks today. 8 sets or 2 reps. Really work to get under the bar quickly and lock those arms out.

Then some fun descending reps of Pull Ups, Wall Balls, and Sit Ups. At least the numbers go down each round!

Try to keep moving through each of these movements each round. Try and do them all unbroken.

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