2 Part Complex
1 Snatch Balance

20 Double Unders
10 Box Jump Overs

For out snatch work today we will work through a two part complex consisting of a snatch balance followed immediately by an overhead squat. That snatch balance should be a quick drop into the bottom position with the arms locked out in an active position overhead. Follow that up with a smooth focused overhead squat. This is intended to be slow and smooth. Don’t rush this part.

The WOD is a simple little 9 minute AMRAP. Simple, but not easy. Start each round with 20 double unders. If your DUs are on I want these to be very quick. If you are having trouble with DUs you will do 40 singles as fast as possible. The goal is to get in and get out of those jump ropes as fast as possible. After that its onto some box jump overs. Remember you do not need to stand up at the top so move very quickly through these as well. Keep transition times short and focus on moving at a quick steady pace.

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