Reverse Limbo

Teams of 3
5 Power Clean (95/65)
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press

Do you hear that? That’s the sound of the limbo music! We are going to reverse limbo today, which means we will set up 2 boxes, lay a PVC across them and jump OVER rather than under. We’ll line up and everyone will take a turn. We’ll then add a little bit of height and go again. You will be the Reverse Limbo Winner today?!?!

We are going to choose 2 friends and share the suck with this workout today. One person does a round while the other 2 people rest. Switch after each round. One barbell/weight per team. (Pick your weight so everyone on your team can move through the movements quickly.)

There are only 5 reps of each movement and the weight is pretty light, so each person should push hard when it is their turn. You also then get some build in rest so you will be ready to push hard again when your turn comes up. While you are resting be sure to cheer on your teammates!

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