Full Clean and Jerk

30 Power Clean and Jerk (135/95)*
*3 Burpees on the minute every minute (and to start)

We are going to continue working on Week 3 of World-Class Fitness in 100 Words by Greg Glassman. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch.

We’ll start with full/squat cleans and jerk. We’ll do 8 sets total, using the clock, every 2 minutes.

This is the time to work on that form and technique while resting in between sets. Make sure that the movement is in fact 2 separate lifts – first a clean, then stand up, reset, and then push that weight overhead.

Then, for the workout we’ll power clean and jerk. Same movement idea, but now we are going to be moving more quickly with less weight. Still be sure to reset after each lift. Form and technique do not get sacrificed for speed.

Oh, and to make it all a bit more fun, we’ll add 3 burpees on the minute, every minute (and to start.) So, we’re going to knock out Grace, but with added burpees to challenge you. How about we call it Party Grace?!?

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