Snow Warning for Tuesday/Wednesday. Please check our Facebook page and /or the Schedule/Calendar page of our web site for cancellations/closing. We want to ensure the safety of all of our staff and our members. 

Full Cleans

50 Double Unders
40 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
30 Cal Row
20 Front Rack Lunges (10 per leg)
10 Muscle Ups (10 Pull Ups/Ring Rows + 10 Ring Dips + 10 Burpees)
20 Front Rack Lunges
30 Cal Row
40 Shoulder to Overhead
50 Double Unders

We’ll start today with some full, squat cleans. These will be our focus all month long, so be sure to keep track of your numbers/weights so you can work to improve on them throughout the month.

Then we are going to continue to tackle gymnastics movements with the workout today. 

We’ll start with 50 double unders, work our way down to 10 muscle ups, or our modification for them, and then back up to 50 double unders.

We had a lot of people get or get really close to those muscle ups this weekend at the gymnastics FUNday! Congrats!

If you can’t quite get those 10 muscle ups today, then we’ll modify with 10 pull ups or ring rows, 10 ring dips, and 10 burpees. We want to mimic the movement patterns (pull ups and dips) and also the metabolic feel (burpees) of that muscle up.

If we have more than 8 people per class, we’ll simply stagger start 2 minutes to make sure everyone can get on a rower as needed.

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