Welcome to August and the CrossFit Games 2017!

Strength: Pull Up Bar Strength (Strict Pull Ups/Chin Ups/Weighted Pull Ups), Strict Toes to Bar, Active Hang)
Power: Plyometrics
Skill: Kettlebells

Alternate Between Jumping Air Squats and Plyo Push Ups

Split into 5-6 teams
1 each
2 each
3 each

Wall Ball
Kettlebell Swing
Sit Up

We are going to take the jumping we focused on last month and turn it up a notch by adding some other plyometric movements. These exercises stimulate several different muscle groups at the same time and are used to improve athletic performance. They are also great for improving fat loss, increasing strength and upping your endurance. Not only all that, but they also challenge your fast-twitch muscle fibers, coordination, and agility. These are definitely things we want to work on!

Today, we are going to run through an alternating Tabata of jumping air squats and plyo push ups. So, you will do 20 seconds of air squats, rest 10 seconds, then do 20 seconds of push ups, rest 10 seconds and repeat for 8 rounds. You’ll work all the muscles in your body today with those 2 movements!

For the plyo push up, your hands will be on the floor, you’ll lower your chest to the ground, and then push up off the ground with enough force to clap your hands once before they land on the ground. You can challenge yourself by tapping your chest instead if you’d like, you can scale by doing the push up from your knees today. The important part is the pushing off with enough force to leave contact with the ground.

After that, we will split the class into 5-6 teams and pick a team name for yourselves! Each team will gather a wall ball, kettlebell, and an abmat. The teams should divide up so that everyone can do the same weight wall ball and kettlebell. The equipment (minus the med ball) will be on one side of the gym, the teams will be on the other. The first person will run down to the end with the wall ball and do 1 rep of each of the movements. They will run back to their team when they are done and pass the med ball to person #2 who will run down and do 2 reps of each of the movements, and so on. See how far your team can get in 20 minutes!

People usually get to 15-17. Review the movement standards. Have teams divided by yellow, green, and orange equipment/weights.

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