American KBS

5 Rounds
10 KB Cleans
10 KB Push Press
10 Split Squats

We are going to work on our American Kettlebell Swings today – meaning they are going to go all the way overhead. We will warm up and mobilize our shoulders and thoracic spine beforehand. We really want to make sure we have good overhead position – that means our rib caged is tucked and our lower back isn’t arched. We never want to put weight over a hollow space.

Then to work on our hip power and that good transfer of energy from core to extremity, we will use that kettlebell in the workout today. 10 kettlebell cleans, 10 kettlebell push press, and 10 kettlebell split squats.

These movements will also help us work out strength difference on each side. Single leg and single leg movements are always good for that!

100 Days of Fitness
Day 97 Challenge
What was your biggest obstacle and greatest achievement?
= 2 points
We are almost to the end of the 100 days! It sure went by fast. What was the hardest part of the Challenge? What was your biggest/greatest/best/most proud of accomplishment?

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