Front Squat

8 Handstand Push Ups
10 American Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
12 Alternating Pistols

We are going to put 20 minutes on the clock for you to find your one rep max effort front squat today. You can partner/team up and work at your own pace. Remember that a max effort should be hard. You should have to struggle. Take it to failure today – push yourself a bit to see what you can do. BUT also be sure to be safe and use proper form to avoid any injuries!

Then, we will put 8 minutes on the clock and work through some handstand push ups, American Kettlebell Swings, and alternating Pistols. Some tough movements to work on! If you struggle with any (or several) of the movements, pick 1 or maybe 2 to really focus on and modify/scale the others.

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