12 Minute Core Series

In Teams of 4:
200m Sand Bag Carry
While 1 team member does sandbag carries the rest of the team does reps of the following:
Team Member 2: Alternating Lunges
Team Member 3: Toes to Bar
Team Member 4: Goblet Squats

What a treat we have for you today – our infamous 12 Minute Core Series! We’ll start with a static hold and then do a dynamic movement based off of that hold. Work for 50 seconds, rest for 10. We’ll be sure to hit everyone of those core muscles today!

Hollow Body Hold
Hollow Rocks
Front Plank
Hip Circles
Side Plank Left
Hip Dips Left
Side Plank Right
Hip Dips Right
Candlestick Hold
Leg Lifts

We are then going to pick a partner (someone you don’t already know) and then as a 2 person team, pick another 2 person team to create a 4 person team for the workout. Then quickly pick a team name. Let’s make new friends!

Team Member #1 will go out for a 200m sand bag carry. While #1 is out, everyone else (2, 3, 4) will pick an exercise to do. When Team Member #1 gets back from the sand bag carry everyone rotates one spot and a new person heads out for the 200m sand bag carry. Score is total number of reps of lunges, toes to bar, and goblet squats completed by all team members.

Everyone should get a chance to do every movement at least once, but probably not twice. As a team, strategize about each person’s strengths to accumulate the most reps.

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