Shoulder Press
5-5-5-5-5 (plus 3 warm up sets)

3 Rounds
21 Deadlifts
15 Pull Ups
9 Front Squats

Let’s work on that shoulder strength today with 5 sets of 5 reps of shoulder press, plus 3 good warm up sets.

Warm Up:
5 – empty barbell
5 – 35% of 1RM
5 – 50%

Working Sets:
5 – 65%
5 – 70%
5 – 75%
5 – 80%
5 – 85%

The workout today is a variation of one we did a few weeks ago as a partner workout. Same reps, movements, and weights, but this time without the built in rest period.

You will have one bar and use the same weight for both barbell movements. We are looking at moderately heavy weights today – 185/125. You may initially feel like the deadlift is too light, but remember that you are doing 21 reps. Be sure to keep good form for all of those reps! Your back and hamstrings will thank you tomorrow.

You may have to determine the weight you use today by how much you can clean. People can usually front squat more than they can clean. The bar will start on the floor, so you will have to be able to clean that weight up in order to front squat it. Keep that in mind.

Experience says that after all those deadlifts and pull ups, cleaning that barbell up feels a lot heavier than you think it should. Be sure to pick your weight wisely today.

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