Max Effort Pull Ups

Mountain Expedition!
In teams of 3:
Lift 15,000# from ground to overhead (Snatch or Clean & Jerk)
Box Jump 3200″

We are working on our pull up rig/bar strength this month so you’ll see a lot of strict movements. If we can develop that strength, we can use that for other movements we do at the gym.

Today we are going to test our max effort dead hang pull ups. For these to count today, you must jump up to a bar that is out of arm’s reach, you must start with your elbows fully locked out at the bottom, you must get your chin over the top of the pull up bar, and you must return to a complete dead hang position with your elbows locked out at the bottom again before starting your next rep.

You’ll want to make a note of this number today, we’ll use it throughout the month for other work we do. If you don’t quite have pull ups yet, you will test your max effort active hang time from the bar and then immediately following that you will test your max effort ring rows.

Hang from the bar with active shoulders (no hanging on the shoulder meat.) And when you do the ring rows you many not rest at any point and you should be as parallel to the ground as possible.

Then we have a really fun workout for you! Pick a couple of friends to go on a CrossFit expedition with!

One person works while the others rests. Athletes may do the movements in any order and switch as needed, but you must complete one movement before you move on to the next. (Maybe pick another team to share a barbell and box with. One team starts with the barbell, the other with the box.) The whole team must do the same barbell weight and box jump height – so be sure to choose so that everyone on your team can do them. There is some strategy here – do you do more reps with less weights or heavier weights and less reps? You’ll have to decide as a team!

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