Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday FUNday! 100 m Sled Push (90/50)(High push down, low push back) 200 Double KB Farmer’s Carry (1.5/1) 400 m Walking Lunges 800 m Sandbag Carry 1000 m Run *To accommodate higher number of athletes, some can start WOD at end and work towards beginning. Similarly,...

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Schedule Change: Class at 8:00am and 9:00am Open Gym: 10:00am-4:00pm Sunday FUNday! Ruck Race Things You’ll Need: 5 Friends (old or new) Sandbag 45# Plate Heavy Kettlebell (or dumbbell if not enough) Your team of 5 will head out for a 1 mile ruck (the mile mark is all...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday FUNday! AMRAP 20 Dice of Death 1 = 10 Push Ups 2 = 10 Ring Rows 3 = 400m Run 4 = 10 Air Squats 5 = 10 Sit Ups 6 = Give 10 Burpees Our partner WOD today is a long term favorite, Dice of Death! Partner up, roll a die and consult the chart. After you finish that...
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