“I am not in good enough shape enough for CrossFit. I need to work out a bit to get ready to join a CrossFit gym. CrossFit is too hard for me, I’m not ready for that. Let me get in shape so I can do CrossFit.”

I hear some variation of this all the time when I talk to people about CrossFit. I am here to tell you that these phrases, and all of their variations, are unequivocally false. There is no minimum standard of fitness before you can start CrossFit, period. CROSSFIT IS HOW YOU GET IN SHAPE!

I understand where you are coming from though. From the outside CrossFit looks hard. And it is very intense. There is so much happening in any individual workout that you believe there is no way you are ready for that. But you are wrong.

I am going to let you in on the big secret of CrossFit. It never gets any easier. You are just able to get more done with the same amount of suck. No amount of being “in shape” changes the difficulty of the workouts. The workouts are always intense. Sure you get stronger, you have better lung capacity, you learn to do the movements better, but we are always there to make sure you are pushed to the next level. That is why a 90 year old grandma can be working out next to a recently off-the-couch potato who is working out next to a college athlete. Yes they are all using different weights and maybe some modified movements, but they are all doing the same workout and it is equally difficult for all of them. That is a difficult concept for people to grasp. No matter what workout you are doing that day, it is the same amount of intense for everyone. It is designed to be that way – that’s the beauty of CrossFit.

No one at the gym is looking at your workout and judging you based on the movements or weights you are using. Trust me, we are all way to busy freaking out about our own version of the workout to be worried about anyone else. No one finishes a workout and looks around to laugh at others that may still be struggling through their own workout, we are too busy gasping for breathe and basking in the euphoric glow of facing our fears and coming out the other side in tact.

All that being said, we do understand that parts of CrossFit are scary. Barbell movements especially seem to strike fear into the hearts of people. That is why we have worked very hard to ease the impact. If the movements or intensity are scary we have two different ways to dip your toe in the water.

The first way is our Foundations Class. This is a four week program that will ease you into the movements and the CrossFit methodology. We will give you careful and specific instruction on the main movements we use as well as slowly introducing you into workouts using your newly learned skills.

The second way to ease into CrossFit is our CrossFit Base option. This works just like a regular CrossFit membership except you only use barbells in the strength or skill portions of the class.  During the actual WOD we will give you modifications to the standard workout that don’t involve barbells.

We understand that CrossFit can be scary. We have done our best to remove all of the obstacles between you and a better life. All you need to do is try – and you can do that by joining us for a Free Trial Class.

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