Labor Day – one class at 10:00am

Hotshots 19
6 Rounds
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans (135/95)
7 Strict Pull-ups
400m Run

The Yarnell Hill Fire was a wildfire near Yarnell, Arizona, ignited by lightning on June 28, 2013. On June 30, it overran and killed 19 City of Prescott firefighters, members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. We will honor these men today with this workout.

6 Rounds for the month (June), 30 Squats for the day it happened (30th). 19 heavy power cleans, one for each man that died that day. 7 strict pull ups and 400m run because these are both included in most firefighter physical testing.

This is probably the hardest workout I have ever done. It took me 57 minutes and 30 seconds back when it was originally released as a fundraiser/hero workout in 2013.

The names of the men will be written on the board. 19 can be a daunting number of heavy cleans, especially 6 times through. Don’t count the reps, look at a name each time you lift that bar. It makes getting through the movement more meaningful. No time cap today.

Jesse Steed, 36
Wade Parker, 22
Joe Thurston, 32
William Warneke, 25
John Percin, 24
Clayton Whitted, 28
Scott Norris, 28
Dustin Deford, 24
Sean Misner, 26
Garret Zuppiger, 27
Travis Carter, 31
Grant McKee, 21
Travis Turbyfill, 27
Andrew Ashcraft, 29
Kevin Woyjeck, 21
Anthony Rose, 23
Eric Marsh, 43
Christopher MacKenzie, 30
Robert Caldwell, 23

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