5-5-5-5-5(plus 3 warm up sets of 5 reps)

5 Ring dips
15 Goblet squats

Today is our first chance to work on the strength focus this month! We will be deadlifting quite a bit this month so take a bit of time to refresh good deadlift technique in your head. Vertical shins, chest up, hamstrings engaged, lift in a smooth motion(no jerking or heaving it off the ground), knees and hips locked out at the top. Don’t overdo that lock out though. There is no need to overextend your back at the top. Straight knees and hips should be sufficient to know you locked out.

For our conditioning work today we are going to work on ring dips and goblet squats. If you can’t do 5 ring dips at a time, make sure you scale it so the movement is still challenging for you.  Pick a weight for the goblet squats that is difficult but doable for 15 reps. Move quickly between these 2 movements. Transition times can really stretch out when there are only 2 movements to switch between.

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