Plank Holds
1 Minute Each:
Front, Right, Left
1 round on hands, 1 on elbows

10 Plate Ground to Overhead
10 Plate Sit Ups
10 Overhead Walking Lunges
10 Squats with the Plate (chest or back)

We are going to work on our Core Strength today by working those front and side planks. We will go through it twice – try one time through on your hands and the other on your elbows. See which one is more of a challenge for you!

We want to be sure to keep a great plank position throughout all of these – no sagging butts or hips in the air in a pike position. You should be a solid straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. If the Coach walks around with a PVC they should be able to lay it across your body with no gaps.

Then, we are going to grab a plate (10, 15 or 25# for women, 15, 25, or 45# for men) and work through 12 minutes of ground to overhead, plate sit ups, overhead walking lunges, and squats with the plate.

Ground to Overhead – the plate touches the ground and you bring it up all the way overhead until your elbows are locked out. Try to use your legs and not just your lower back muscles.

Plate Sit Ups – the plate is locked out and facing the ceiling the entire time. Keep the plate in that position while you go from lying on the floor to a sit up. You will definitely use and feel your core muscles for this one.

Overhead Walking Lunges – lock the plate out overhead, keep it locked out while you walking lunge (5 per side for 10 total.)

Squat with Plate – you can put that plate on your back with your arms in the front rack position, or you can clench the plate to your chest, then squat. Make sure you are getting that full range of motion and squatting to full depth.

Pick a weight so that you can get through 5-6 rounds today.

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