February Focus
Strength: Shoulder Press
Power: Full/Squat Cleans
Skill: Kipping (Pull Ups, Handstands, Ring Dips, Muscle Ups)

Shoulder Press
5-5-5-5-5 (plus 3 warm up)

On a 10 minute running clock, perform 1 minute each of the following movements (2 times through):
Air Squats
Hand Release Push Ups
Box Jumps
Pull Ups
Ring Dips

It is already February 1st! We have new focuses for the month. Let’s get right to it!

We’ll start the day with some Shoulder Presses. 3 warm up sets, 5 working sets. These are all upper body, muscle movements. No hip dip.

Feet underneath your hips. Clench those butt cheeks, tighten your core, take a deep breath. With those shoulders slightly forward of your chest (but your elbows won’t be all the way up like a front rack) push that bar straight up. Make sure to move your face out of the way!

Lock those elbows out and poke that head through the window to complete the movement.

For the workout today we will have a 10 minute running clock. You will do as many reps as possible in one minute for each of the 5 movements, two times through.

In order to help you keep moving, no need to stop to write stuff down, your score is your total number of reps in the 10 minutes. You can start at any one of those movements and rotate through.

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