1RM Bench Press

4 Rounds
10 Ground to Overhead (45/25# Plate)
10 Overhead Lunges
10 Squats w/the Plate (front or back)
10 Plate Sit Ups
Left Hand Pinch Grip Carry 1 Length of the Gym (down)
Right Hand Pinch Grip Carry 1 Length of the Gym (back)

Let’s see if all that work has paid off and test our one rep max effort Bench Press today!

Just as we have been doing, we’ll set up 3 stations and split the class into groups. One spotter, one lifter, other people changing plates.

Then we are going to grab a plate and use that as many ways as we can today. Ground to overhead, lunges with the plate overhead, squats with the plate (either holding it on your chest or put it on your back), sit ups with that plate, and pinch grip carry down and back the length of the gym (one way each hand.)

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