Snatch Width Grip Behind the Neck Press

Day 10 – Ten Lords A Leaping
6 Handstand Push Ups
8 Toes to Bar
10 Pistols

It is the week of Christmas! I know you are all really busy with present shopping, gift wrapping, meal prepping, house cleaning, and so much more. Be sure to make time each day to get to the gym for an hour a day. The rest of your hectic schedule will be so much easier after a good hard workout.

Today’s strength is the behind the neck press again, this time with a wider, snatch width grip to work those back and shoulder muscles at a slightly different angle. Five sets of 5 reps will be plenty for today.

Then Day 10 – a 10 minute AMRAP of some of the movements we often struggle with. Let’s just go ahead and knock them all at the same time and get it over with!

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