Power Clean

In 3 minutes max distance handstand walk
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Deadlift (275/185)
9 Burpees over the bar

We are going to put 20 minutes on the clock for you to find your one rep max effort power clean today. You can partner/team up and work at your own pace. Remember that a max effort should be hard. You should have to struggle. Take it to failure today – push yourself a bit to see what you can do. BUT also be sure to be safe and use proper form to avoid any injuries! (Does that sound similar to yesterday’s talk about the max effort?)

Then, we will take 3 minutes to work on a max effort handstand walk. You got to work on handstand push ups yesterday, today let’s work on some movement with it! Take a five minute rest, then 5 more minutes for 3 heavy deadlifts and 9 burpees over the bar.

Be sure you have the most excellent form today on these heavy deadlifts – push your feet through the floor and keep that lower back braced and tight.

Finish it all off with 9 burpees over that barbell. It’s only 5 minutes so you should be taking your time to set up for that deadlift but you should know those burpees out as fast as you can.

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