3 Position Snatch + 3 OHS (power, hang, ground + 3 OHS)

21 Thrusters
500m Row
18 Thrusters
500m Row
15 Thrusters
500m Row

Let’s work on our snatching and overhead squatting today! Probably 2 of the least favorite movements for people.

Every 2 minutes we’ll perform a set. 1 full snatch from the power position, 1 full squat from the hang position, 1 full squat from the ground, keep that bar up there and then do 3 overhead squats.)

Then we are going to thruster and row. 2 excellent, full body movements. We’ll keep the thrusters fairly light – 95/65. Hopefully while you are fresh this is a weight you can do that first set of 21 unbroken.

500m Row after each set of thrusters. 

If there are more than 8 people, we’ll split the class and have some start with the WOD and the others can do the Power Portion. Then we’ll switch. 14 minute time cap for the workouts (time is takes for power portion.)

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