Broad Jump
Vertical Jump
3 warm ups, then 3 attempts each athlete

3 minutes of Box Jumps
3 minutes of American Kettlebell Swings
3 minutes of Wall Balls
1 minute Rest
2 minutes of Box Jumps
2 minutes of American Kettlebell Swings
2 minutes of Wall Balls
1 Minute Rest
1 minute of Box Jumps
1 minute of American Kettlebell Swings
1 minute of Wall Balls

The power focus this month has been jumping – so now it is time to re-test our standing broad jump and vertical jump. The class will split into 2 groups, one coach will take half to vertical jump first, the other to standing broad jump, then you’ll switch. Who will hold the gym record after today?!?!

We will then find a friend (or make a friend) and then find or make another friend – team up in groups of 3. Then your group will get 1 box, 1 kettlebell (a weight that everyone can do) and 1 wall ball (again a weight that everyone on your team can do.) Alternate through the 3 stations – each take a turn at box jumps, American Kettlebell Swings, and Wall Balls. We’ll start with 3 minutes or each, take a 1 minute rest, then 2 minutes of each and a minute rest, and then finally a minute of each movement. The good news is that the time goes down!

We want a two foot take off and a two foot landing for these box jumps today. We have some smaller boxes or you can stack plates, but we want to work on that hip power. Jumping to a smaller height will be better than box step ups for the purpose of this workout.

We want to go overhead for an American Kettlebell Swing today if your shoulders and mobility allow for it. We don’t want to see flared rib cages at the top. You can choose a lighter weight to work on that overhead position. If the Coach sees bad overhead position, you will be asked to continue with Russian (eye level) Swings for your safety.

Be sure to get that full range of motion with the wall balls today. Below parallel at the bottom of the squat and be sure to hit that wall ball target squarely in the center. Virtuous reps today!

20 minutes total.

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